Comment on call for £42bn for housing associations

“Housing Associations are justified in demanding far more than the £2bn of investment promised by the Prime Minister. In order to deliver in the 2020s during a period of market adjustment to the Brexit shock, it is reasonable to ask... View Article

Can we change our bad energy habits?

Tenants in the private rented sector spend more money on heating their homes than other residents, but the recently published United Nations report on climate change could spark a major shift in how energy is provided to tenants’ homes and... View Article

Efficient evacuations – never leave a person behind

We’re all familiar with the fire safety drill, from regular practice runs at school all the way through to adult working life. An alarm is sounded, signalling the urgent evacuation of every person in the building – in an orderly fashion... View Article

Legionella control for housing

Landlords have a legal responsibility to ensure the health and safety of their tenants by keeping property safe and free from health hazards. What is a landlord? Anyone who rents out a property (or even just a room) they own... View Article

Social housing fund must support areas in most need

A Government injection of £2 billion into the provision of social housing must support areas in most need of funds, rather than focusing on what generates the best return in the shortest time. Richard Cook, a specialist in economic development... View Article

L&G Response: Government funding for affordable housing

“‘We are pleased that the Government has announced increased funding towards affordable housing today. This will help to deliver more homes at levels that residents can afford in areas which need it most. This additional funding will be allocated over... View Article
Managing & maintaining water safety: seven top tips for landlords

Managing & maintaining water safety: seven top tips for landlords

Dealing with plumbing problems can be time-consuming and costly. However, many call-outs can be prevented if landlords are familiar with the key regulations regarding water safety management and follow best practice, explains Julie Spinks, director of WaterSafe, the national accreditation... View Article

Are longer tenancies the answer to our housing problems?

The majority of private sector tenants are happy with their accommodation it seems, but a group of experts are warning that the sector’s continuing growth is harming family life and the welfare of children in particular. These contradictory statements pose... View Article