Grand Union launches new corporate plan – Good to be home

Grand Union Housing Group has launched a new three-year corporate plan focused on its core purpose of creating homes for those that need them.

The local housing provider, which provides nearly 13,000 homes across Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Northamptonshire and Hertfordshire, says the plan, ‘Good to be home 2024-27’, will ‘honour and celebrate the vast legacy’ of its former chair, Steve Benson.

Mr Benson sadly died in April after living with cancer for over a year. He became chair of Grand Union in 2022, stepping down just weeks before he died. Up until that point, Mr Benson’s hard work and dedication was focused on his role as Chair and the support he gave fellow Board members and colleagues in drafting the plan, which was invaluable.

The plan sets out the actions Grand Union hopes will make it ‘good to be home’ for its customers over the next three years.

Aileen Evans, Group Chief Executive said: “To prepare this plan, we listened. We listened to what customers say, to how colleagues feel and to what Board members and external partners think. The result is a three-year plan that’s tightly focused on our core purpose of creating homes for those that need them. It’s driven by the priorities of the communities we serve, and the values we believe in.

“The most striking and important message from all these conversations was to hear what ‘home’ means to people. Customers told us that home isn’t just a place to live, but a feeling – of being safe, secure and having the opportunities to build a happy, healthy and successful life. They also stressed the importance of community – the sense of belonging and being part of something bigger. In short, it’s good to be home.”

The plan sets out how the organisation will do this through the delivery of actions and measures under six interdependent strategies covering homes, customers, resilience, growth, green and people.

The strategy can be read in full here: